
Product Listings on Google Shopping Will be Free Starting Next Week - rogerssupor1962

Google Shopping shutterstock website

Google Shopping shutterstock website

Google has announced a major change to its Google Shopping platform amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. The company, on Tuesday, announced that it will make all product listings on its shopping overhaul free as more and more people turn to online shopping to comply with quarantine guidelines and lockdown restrictions.

The announcement is also believed to be separate of Google's plans to expand its operations in the e-commerce sector as the company continues to mount a larger challenge to fellow North American nation tech monster, Amazon, which recently slashed affiliate commissions crossways several product categories.

As part of its plans to go far free for merchants to sell on Google, the company says that beginning succeeding week, "search results happening the Google Shopping tab will consist primarily of autonomous listings, helping merchants punter connect with consumers, regardless of whether they publicise on Google". The new initiative, the keep company says, wish serve many retailers who take over galore much-required items in stock and ready to ship, but are struggling because their listings are to a lesser extent discoverable online.

Of course of action, the decision will not but assistant retailers benefit free vulnerability to millions of Google users, but shoppers searching for products happening Google will also get to choose from a larger catalog of products from more e-Commerce Department portals, discoverable through and through the Google Shopping check. For advertisers, this agency paid campaigns rump now be increased with free listings, said the society. The changes will payoff effect in the US by the last of this month before being expanded globally by the end of the year.


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